Yarn can be considered as one of the most important and practical products made by human hands. With the advancement of science and technology, yarns also changed, and today we see different types of yarns in the market, each of which is used in a specific industry. This has made yarn one of the most important imported products in the country. In general, the imported yarns of the country are called DMC threads. These yarns are available in a variety of sizes in the country’s markets and have different applications. Yarn import is very important due to the importance of this product in industries such as weaving.
Existence of different colors and qualities in yarns has caused the import of different types of yarn to the country to be considered. In recent years, yarn has been imported mainly from China, Turkey, India, the UAE and Indonesia.
Types of Yarn

Among the main types of imported yarns, we can mention single-layer yarn, spinning yarn, acrylic yarn, silk yarn, carpet yarn, tooth yarn, spindle yarn, polyester yarn, black yarn spindle, textile yarn spindle and various types of stretchable yarns. For different types of yarn, different tariff codes have been defined, which are taken into account when importing yarn.
According to any tariff code, the amount of customs costs for imported yarns will vary. One of the most important features while importing yarn is its quality. The yarns should be made from the best kind of synthetic and natural fibers. If imported yarns have undesirable quality, they cannot result in producing high-quality products such as carpets.
The main focus of the Caspian Group in the field of importing yarn was based on polyester and viscous yarns.
Caspian Group
In recent years, the issue of supplying yarn needed for fabric production, in small and large companies and workshops, has been one of the serious challenges. Caspian Group is always trying to provide the raw materials of companies and also reduce the price of suitable clothing for the people of our beloved country, and this has caused about 500 tons of yarn to enter the country in this regard and meet the needs of the people and the companies that are the basis of this country’s economy.